Monday, September 12, 2011

Bridal Bouquet Memories

This commission was a labor of "love" I was asked to create a watercolor of a June 2011 bride's bouquet. What made this so very special is the story behind the story. The stem (holder) of this lovely peony , white rose and calla lily bouquet was tenderly wrapped with two family keepsakes. The first was a beautifully embroidered hankerchief belonging to the bride's grandmother and the second was a Cape Cod logo tie worn frequently by the bride's grandfather. When I was told how special these two persons where to the bride and her family, I decided to incorporate them into the painting. As important as was the representation of this bouquet, the lasting memory of two beloved grandparents became the theme.
I thank the Gallager family for the opportunity of being part of this special gift.

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